Examination & Promotion


A good educational institution is one in which every student feels welcomed and cared for, Where a safe and stimulating teaching environment is provided, Where a wide range of teaching experiences are offered and where good physical infrastructure and appropriate resources conducive to learning are available to all students. VPS is one of the good educational institutions.

Curriculum is discovery and activity-based learning along with some formal interactive classroom learning in order to lay a solid ground work in reading, writing, speaking, physical education, art, languages science and mathematics. Here, at VPS we strive our best to achieve the desired outcomes at all the stages through a well-planned curriculum.

Pre School – Class II

At foundational stage we focus on Play-based, flexible and multilevel learning. In VPS we believe that each child is different and grows, learns and develops at his own pace. Play and activity are the primary ways of learning and development.

Children at this stage will undergo following domains of development:-

Domain: Physical Development

1. Children develop habits that keep them healthy and safe.

2. Children develop sharpness in sensorial perceptions.

3. Children develop a fit and flexible body.

Domain: Socio Emotional and Ethical Development

1. Children develop emotional intelligence i.e the ability to understand and manage their own emotions.

2. Children develop a positive attitude.

Domain: Cognitive Development

1. Children observe and understand different categories of objects.

2. Children develop Mathematical understanding and abilities to recognize shapes.

Domain: Language and Literacy Development

1. Children develop effective communication skills for day-to-day interaction.

2. Children develop fluency in reading and writing.

Domain: Aesthetic and cultural Development

1. Children develop appreciation for the beauty of the natural world around them.

2. Children develop their art skills by increasing their aesthetic ability.

Class III - V

At this stage too, curriculum supports experiential learning and it provides continuous opportunities to students to experience, explore and experiment with the environment, learning about social participation and contribution. The pedagogic strategies at this stage enable pair work, small group work and individual works. Discovery and activity-board learning along with interactive class room learning in order to lay a solid ground work in reading, writing, speaking languages science and mathematics.  


At this stage along with pedagogical and curricular style of the preparatory stage, learning and discussion of more abstract conception in each subject like science, mathematics, arts, social science to introduced Experiential learning within each subject and exploration of rotation among different subjects is  encouraged. Focus on regular assessment of learning rather than the summative assessment is emphasised.

Class IX-XII

The secondary and senior secondary curriculum prescribed by CBSE strives to provide ample scope for holistic i.e. physical, intellectual and social development of students, conceptual understanding, problem solving, creativity and critical thinking to encourage logical decision making, innovation, enhanced and support learning by different types of assessment. Continuous series of program based on sustained research and regular assessment by educational experts is incorporated in the curriculum.

Scheme of Examination and Promotion

Class Pre-School – Pre Primary:

There is no formal assessment. The children are assessed on the basis of day to day observation through general discussion and revision worksheet. A checklist is also prepared at the end of each term to track the child’s conceptual understanding.

Class I – II

There is no formal assessment. The grading system of class I & II is an overall assessment of a child’s performance in class which includes the written and oral skills as well as day to day observation of the child.

Class III - VIII

1. Academic session for classes III to VIII will have two terminals examinations as Mid Term Examinations (September/October) & Annual Examinations (February/March)

2. Pen and Paper examination of classes III to VIII will be conducted. These examinations will test the achievements of basic learning outcomes, through assessment of core concepts.

3. Regular assessment of a student of class III to VIII will be done throughout the academic session as per the weightage of marks given in the table.


Internal/External Assessment


Weightage of Marks

Internal Assessment

Attendance of Student


Internal Assessment

Subject Enrichment


Internal Assessment

Project Based Activities


Internal Assessment



Internal Assessment

Multiple Assessment


Internal Assessment

Periodic Test/ Unit Test


Mid Term Exam. & Annual Exam (External)

These examinations will test achievements of basic learning outcomes, through assessment of core concepts and knowledge from the National & Local curricular along with the relevant higher order skills and application of knowledge in real life situations, rather than the rote memorization.

Mid Term- 20   Annual Exam-50





4. The question paper for the Mid Term Examinations will be set out of the syllabus of the First Term.

5. The question paper for the Annual Examinations will be set out of the Whole syllabus, covered in first term and second term.

Classes IX – XI

Apart from test series and periodic assessment, two formal examinations shall be conducted in the month of September & February (Mid Term & Annual examination). For the annual examination, question paper shall be set from the whole syllabus strictly as per CBSE guidelines. In order to declare pass a student must secure 33% marks out of 100 separately in theory and practical examination.

Class X & XII

Public examination is held by CBSE for these classes in the month of March. To give enough practice for the Board Examination. Test Series, Term end examination are held in rotation.

Minimum 75% attendance is required for promotion from classes IX and XI to classes X and XII respectively.


"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~ Edith Wharton "